- is one of the websites for teachers to use and explore in order to teach their student. There are many references that can be used as teaching tools as it covers resources for primary to tertiary level. Besides, this website is not only can give advantages to teacher but also to English student and other people who interested in learning English. There is much information that we could find in this website such as grammar, poet, drama, vocabulary, games and so forth. For example, you can click the poetry icon and select William Butler Yeats and there will be lesson plan and teaching ideas.
- There are some properties of electronics texts in this websites such as searches, link, footprints and plasticity. For example in terms of searches, there is a word dictionary searcher in this website. We can easily type the words that we wanted to find their meaning and the definition of the words will appear after that. Besides, if we wanted to search for information, just click on the links that provided in the website. It is very easy to find the information as there are many links that relate to our searches. I’m sure all websites have the properties of electronics texts in terms of footprints. The same thing in this website, we can easily trace the page that we had visit in this website as it can record each of our searching. Next, in terms of virtuality, there is a site for teacher where teachers can share their opinion on something that is discussed in the site. You can also ask question to the online members and you can get the answer from you online members.
- So, if you wanted to explore for an interesting teaching skill or you are interested in learning English, do visit all these websites as it may give you ideas of teaching and learning:
Labels: Language and IT
At May 9, 2008 at 7:44 PM,
- - - - - said…
"another great site to learn English (or to make sure you don't forget it) is The Multimedia English Classroom:
There's a lot of interesting material, mostly songs and videos, with scripts and explanations."
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